Understanding Intensive Fetal Monitoring 

Intensive Fetal Monitoring is a critical aspect of prenatal care, particularly for high-risk pregnancies. This advanced monitoring involves closely tracking the fetus's heart rate, movements, and overall well-being, especially during the later stages of pregnancy and labor. This process helps in the early detection and management of potential complications, ensuring the safety and health of both the mother and the baby.









Why Choose Gunasheela for Intensive Fetal Monitoring Services?

Gunasheela Surgical and Maternity Hospital offers state-of-the-art Intensive Fetal Monitoring services as part of our comprehensive maternal-fetal medicine program. Our dedicated team of obstetricians and perinatologists, equipped with advanced monitoring technology, ensures the highest standard of care for mothers and their babies, particularly in pregnancies deemed high-risk.

Highlights of
Gunasheela’s Intensive Fetal Monitoring Services 

Advanced Monitoring Technology: Utilizing the latest equipment for accurate and continuous fetal heart rate and movement tracking.

Collaboration with Neonatal Specialists: Working closely with neonatologists for optimal care planning and neonatal interventions if necessary.

Expert Obstetric and Perinatal Team: Specialized care from a team experienced in high-risk pregnancies and fetal medicine.

24/7 Monitoring Capabilities: Round-the-clock monitoring for continuous surveillance of high-risk pregnancies.

Individualized Monitoring Plans: Tailored monitoring strategies based on the specific needs and risk factors of each pregnancy.

Patient Education and Support: Informing and supporting expectant mothers throughout the monitoring process.

Early Detection of Complications: Prompt identification of issues such as fetal distress, allowing for timely interventions.

Seamless Integration with Delivery Services: Coordinated care leading up to and during labor and delivery.

In-depth Fetal Assessments: Comprehensive evaluations including non-stress tests, biophysical profiles, and Doppler studies.

Accessible and Convenient Locations: Available at our facilities in Bengaluru, Mysuru, and Bellary.

The Gunasheela Edge in Intensive Fetal Monitoring Services 

Choosing Gunasheela for Intensive Fetal Monitoring means entrusting the well-being of your unborn child to a team that values the utmost safety and health of every pregnancy. Our approach is centered around providing meticulous, advanced care combined with empathy and support. We understand the concerns that come with high-risk pregnancies and are dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes through vigilant, state-of-the-art monitoring and expert care. At Gunasheela, we are committed to offering peace of mind and confidence to expectant mothers, backed by a legacy of excellence in maternal-fetal medicine. Our dedication to safeguarding the health of both mother and baby sets us apart as a leader in prenatal care.


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FAQs and Answers

Intensive fetal monitoring involves closely tracking the fetus's heart rate, movements, and overall health during pregnancy, especially in high-risk situations. This can include both non-invasive methods, like ultrasound and fetal heart rate monitoring, and, occasionally, more invasive techniques.

It's typically recommended for high-risk pregnancies, which can include mothers with pre-existing health conditions, pregnancies with multiple fetuses, or when there are concerns about fetal growth or health.

Methods can include continuous electronic fetal heart monitoring, ultrasound examinations to assess fetal growth and amniotic fluid volume, and Doppler flow studies to evaluate blood flow in the placenta and fetal vessels.

It can detect signs of fetal distress, inadequate oxygen supply to the fetus, growth issues, and abnormalities in the fetal heart rate pattern, allowing for timely interventions.

Yes, non-invasive fetal monitoring is safe and poses no known risks to the fetus. Invasive techniques are used sparingly and with careful consideration of the risks and benefits.

While it can't predict all complications, effective monitoring can identify signs that may indicate potential problems, enabling early intervention to minimize risks to both the mother and baby.

The frequency depends on the specific reasons for monitoring, the gestational age, and any findings during the pregnancy. Some conditions may require weekly or more frequent monitoring.

If a concern arises during monitoring, the healthcare team will assess the situation and decide on the best course of action, which may include medical treatment, hospitalization for closer monitoring, or considering delivery if the situation warrants.

Not necessarily. While some conditions identified through monitoring may lead to a decision for a cesarean delivery for the safety of the mother and baby, many monitored pregnancies proceed with planned vaginal deliveries.

Some women may need hospitalization for continuous monitoring, especially if there are immediate concerns about fetal well-being. Others may have scheduled outpatient visits.

Your healthcare provider at Gunasheela Hospital will recommend intensive monitoring based on your medical history, current health, and any pregnancy complications.

Staying well-hydrated and wearing comfortable clothing can help. It's also beneficial to prepare any questions or concerns you may have about your pregnancy or the monitoring process.

Contact us on our toll free number: 1-800-425-0524

About Gunasheela

Whether you are embarking on the journey of parenthood, seeking specialized healthcare services, or navigating the complexities of a high-risk pregnancy, we are here for you. Our ethos is rooted in empathy, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Toll Free: 1-800-425-0524

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Gunasheela Surgical & Maternity Hospital
No. 1, Dewan Madhava Rao Road,
Opp. M. N. Krishna Rao Park,
Basavanagudi, Bangalore – 560004

+91 80 4646 2600




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